Why this blog?

As 3rd year University students, we've put together a report for the public on how, in today's world of instant news and pseudo science websites, can we make sense of all the health information around us.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Post 9: Image references

Image 1: 
Borgman J. Random Medical News Cartoon.  Cincinnati Inquirer. 1997 April 27

Image 2: 
Academy Health (US). Health Services Research Methods [internet]. Washington (DC); 2008 [updated 2012; cited May 9 2015]. Available from http://www.hsrmethods. org/Glossary/Terms/C/Cross%20Sectional%20Study.aspx

Image 3: 
Kumar R Khan AM Chatterjee P. Research Methodology: Types of observational studies in medical research. 2014;1(2):154-159

Image 4:
Kumar R Khan AM Chatterjee P. Research Methodology: Types of observational studies in medical research. 2014;1(2):154-159

Image 5:

Cham J. The Science News Cycle Cartoon [internet].  PhD Comics Deeper and Higher; [updated May 18 2009; cited 2015 May 3]. Available from http://www.phdcomics .com/comics/archive.php?comicid=1174       

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